Crystal Mods
Satori no Danjon Oukoku 2 ENG Patch release

Heres a surprise eng patch release. I made it around june, then didn't release it. i meant to improve it, but now i'm releasing it as is because i doubt i'll come back to it. If anyone wants to improve it further, go ahead. it translates all kinds of stuff all over the game, with misc stuff still untranslated. I figured it's time i release something touhou related again, so here it is.

In other news, Its been 4 months and i've been hard at work on my game editor maker. It will release actually soon now. I'm doing all kinds of polish, QoL, etc. First impressions matter, and i've done literally thousands of changes, both to how it saves and loads data, and to it's appearance, and feature list. It should release sometime in october. The goal is to release it with pre-made editors for 1-2 games at launch. I'm thinking some tales games, or etrian odyssey, but i'll see.

Also, i've made tons of changes to my touhou launcher. At some point i'll post an updated release. Right now im all focused on my editor maker, but i plan to polish up my touhou launcher sometime further and release a big update. It looks a decent bit different from the last time i posted images of it. I should release both before Christmas for sure. ^^

Touhou Launcher Demo 2 & Shadows of Valentia QoL Modpack release

Time for a mid-june update. My birthday happened, and soon i'm gonna go spend a entire week gaming with someone, will be fun. Over the last week i was obsessed again with fire emblem, and put together a valentia modpack. It's a pretty damn good modpack, and comes with a 0% growths option as well.

I'm also doing my first public release / demo 2 of the touhou launcher i've been working on, now under the utilities menu. Theres a few other touhou launcher all called touhou launcher, so i've named this one Touhou: Western Launcher of Eastern Origins. I think it's a very touhou~esc name, that also is self describing in an ironic way, kind of like one of gensokyos incidents!

I think this is the very best touhou launcher period. I tried all the others, this crushes them. I made most of it a few months ago, but i'm finally willing to give a public demo. It has great built-in shortcuts, and options to automatically apply practice tool (something every touhou player should be using). Every other launcher is extremely basic. This launcher provides an overview of info for the games. It also lets you pick what resolution to launch the game in, and even go borderless fullscreen. Theres a shortcut to volume mixer so launching a new game won't blow your ears out (even just seeing the button acts as a useful reminder).

But above all, it has mod support! No other touhou launcher has this, infact it's even better then the one and only official community modding tool! Using the offical tool, your forced to apply every mod, to every game. And because some mods actually apply to more then 1 game, and even do DIFFRENT things per game, this is a big issue. For example, in one game a retexture mod might make it look a lot better, but in another makes it look way worse. Using the community tool, it's all or nothing, you can't pick what mods for what game. Whats worse, this also means the available mods list per game is just every mod in existence, even if it doesn't apply to your game, with no sorting available at all. It's like if someone said every mod on nexus mods could apply to every game, so games don't need their own pages. It's completely ridiculous.

To fix this, i'm attempting to make a curated list of mods that actually apply to each game, and arent garbage tier mods. Garbage tier just being mods that are not, not mods *intending* to be "bad" as the point. For example, the touhou 8 Garbage remilia mod was permitted as a selectable mod, as altho it makes you very weak, thats the entire point. Some mods, like that mod, or the touhou 13 kaizo mod, just want the game to be harder, and thats fine. Joke mods are also fine. An example of a rejected mod, might be one that attempted to make a game be remake in MS paint, but quit halfway through stage 1. Or the story change mods that only bother with the first 3 stages of dialogue. As you can see in the above image, the later game team swap mods were allowed, because they look cool. Altho the dialogue is not correct, it at least has some value.

That all said, the curated mod list isn't complete. Theres at least like 50 more mods to add across the various games, maybe more. I need to spend more time playing touhou and creating a modlist, as well as testing each mod.

One unique aspect to me, that beats even the official modding tool, is mod load order. In the offical tool, they can only load in alphabetical order, this makes it so some mods are incompatible. Because i manually assign each mod i permit a loadorder number, i can test if they work when loaded the other way, and most do. For example, a Mod to change the entire cast green, then one person orange would fail if orange was loaded first, but succeed if it was loaded last. There are lots of laughably simple load-order errors with the official community modding tool they refuse to fix. I hope my tool to be vastly better then theirs. I'm excited to add more mod support, altho i will probably release updates in one big update rather then loads of small additions. At the very least, this is already better then every touhou launcher to date, and even the offical modding tool. It only loses in number of exact mods it currently supports, but i will fix that soon enough.

I hope you all enjoy!

Utilities, Writings, & Anime North 2024!

First up, this last week, i went to an anime convention, and it was amazing! I got 9 new shirts, and being able to remove 9 old terrible ones with all new ultra-stylish anime ones is going to feel so good. I got pokemon cups, Dice, 6 model kits (3 are super robot wars, one is gundam exia, and one is a gift), a FE celica amiibo, and other loot! My roommate got an alola vulpix doll, 2 flaming samurai sword umbrellas, an attack on titan backpack, and gifted me another SRW model kit! My friend also got some cool shirts. It was a blast, but my friend got me sick, and i havn't been able to work on my site for like 4 days as a result.

Despite all that, this last 2 days i got some new stuff done. First, i made a new menu called utilities to hold not-mod downloads. The old crystal editor demo is moved there, but i've also added my custom Reshade! It's something far special. I haven't seen anyone else offer anything like it. It does one simple job, make colors pop more in every game. De-gray the screen. For those unfamiliar with reshade, you can apply this graphics mod to any 3D game you want on PC. Pretty much every 3D game from japan you play, you probably wanna use this, because it really improves everything that god damn much.

Anyway, i also added a new Writings menu. This is where i will upload longer texts and topics that are useful to look back on, or useful as research or resource. For now, i've added to. A mini one, going over the diffrence between Tactics and Strategy, and a much longer one going into detail on the pitcals of bad tactical rpgs, and also why hex tactics games are always bad.

For other stuff this week, theres a new save file for SRW OGs (PS2), and i did a massive amount of backend organizational work. I also changes a *lot* of the exact URLs for pages on this site. I made them much prettier and readable, but it also means all previous links across the net to here are now dead. I'll probably do some adverting in like, a month, after i finish more work on this website.

Thats all for now! I loved anime north! i saw cool shit, like a flash mob scene at some anime cars, a naked girl walking with clouds censoring her, a "house" in the dealers den with a bell that made a guy in a red kobald fursuit jumpscare you from a window and ask if you want his treasure, i walked so much i lost 5lb, and i was exposed to so many cool stores! I even worked for my roommates card shop helping to organize the back of the store, and we got paid 500$ for helping. I had a crazy dinner with some spinning tower of alcohol, and man, i just felt so alive! I'm excited for next year! 😀

A Chrono Trigger difficulty mod, An indie touohu game english patch, a dark souls remastered modpack, and loads of useful save files.

Alright, new website has had a huge reskin, and now it's time for a giant content drop. First off, Chrono Trigger Lavos Awakening Plus. Using the original Lavos Awakening as a base, this mod makes the tutorial easier, and further increases the difficulty of early-mid game. It also adds lots of new equipment effects, and as with my other info mods, it also reveals detailed information for most techs. Now you can see the damage formula, and elements of most abilities, as well as what stats from what characters contribute to duel and tripple techs. This is probably the hardest version of chrono trigger on the internet, enjoy!

Second, i'm also releasing an ENG version of a Touhou fangame called Suwako Cubic, except it only translates the launch / options. I can't find the ingame text. I have some ideas of where it is, i'll look another time.

Third, i've added a new section for modpacks. My first modpack is a Dark souls 1 QoL + HE Graphics pack, and it optionally comes with a difficulty overhaul to make the game more challenging. As far as im aware, it's the most comprehensive modpack on the internet. Coolio!

Forth, i added a new menu called the Project Graveyard. Projects i've started and left unfinished or unreleased over the years will now appear there. I thought some people who are fans of the kind of content on this website might be interested in what else has been in the works. Their all dropped projects, but if anyone wants to work on modding those games, you can reach out on discord and get some help.

Finally, a new Clear Saves menu. A ton of games out there lock max difficulty behind a clear save. Thats pretty damn annoying, and i often replay these very challenging games and constantly need to find myself save files all over again. Save hunting no more, now a bunch are available right here. In the future, i'll be adding more, but heres the current list.

- Atelier Series
- Unicorn Overlord
- FE Path of Radience JP (Only JP has maniac mode, you can play with an ENG patch)
- Super Robot Wars V
- Eternal Sonata (PS3, Second Encore ready)
- Tales of Arise
- Tales of Berseria
- Tales of Zestiria
- Tales of XIllia 2
- Tales of Destiny DC
- Tales of Hearts R
- Tales of Innocence R
- Tales of Symphonia
- Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
- Xenoblade 2

Okay, so that kind of a massive drop of stuff all at once. More importantly, it means i'm getting through my backlog of things i've been meaning to do an upload. My end goal is to upload so much useful shit the website becomes more then just a place for new mods, but a genuinely useful resource when starting a new game and looking for existing mods, saves, etc. In the future, i'll be adding another menu called Recommended mods as well, projects by other modders i would like to highlight as supremely high quality. I already have ideas of what to fill it with, but atleast where i live, theres an upcoming event over the next week i'll be spending my time with.

Thats all for today, see you guys next time! Heres to a great summer of 2024!

PS: Do you like the new purple website theme? Join the discord and let me know!

Website Redesign

I'm still alive! I've actually made a lot of various mods and content the last few years, and just never released it because the website isn't in an ideal state. That ends now, with a complete overhaul of the entire website! Its mostly already done, and in a few days expect a bunch of new downloads to popup. Theres already a bunch of new menus to! :0

Come back in 1 week. 🙂

The Death of Yuzu, Citra, and modding.

This post is (3/3) of the post restoration effort to the new system. It was made on March 4, 2024.

A moment of silence for yuzu, citra, and emulation and modding communities worldwide.

I am very sad to find out Haze the creators of yuzu, citra, and supportin many mods and communities, folded instead of fighting nintendo. Overnight, thousands of mods stored on the mods page, or forumns for citra or yuzu were lost. The loss of these will be felt for years and years, some people may even pass away before being able to experience specific games with enhancement mods. To me, this is a overall harm to humanity, and i am devistated at what has happened. The courts have said time and again that emulators are legal, and yet nintendo, with infinite funding behind their legal team, went after groups out of court who were unable to fight back. 

I am sure this is not the end, that communities will rise, and wonderful projects will release still in the future. None the less, nintendo has dealt a strong damaging blow to countless peoples experience of content. I for one, altho i had mixed feelings in the past, will now going forward be definitivly against nintendo. Their overreach is one i can feel, there are games that i personally can nolonger experience with enhancement mods, due to them being now lost media as a direct result of nintendo's efforts. Efforts that did not need to result in such destruction, and that nintendo chose to do so anyway. 

I have always thought more then merely a nice thing, that mods are critical to humanitys strongest passions in the world. the entire MOBA genre, and the entire autobattler genre, both direct results of modding. The burning intensity of pokemon nuzlocke community, the scale of the fire emblem community, nearly the entirity of the xcom community, they only exist because of mods. It is is no small part mods inpact peoples lives for the better, and it is crystal clear that mods make the entire gaming medium better for everyone involved. I consider nintendos actions here, a blight on humanity, and I claim this with complete senserity and conviction. Modding is not just kids tinkering for their friend group, many major communities exist only because of mods, and for nintendo for the first time (since the bleem incident back at the dawn of gaming) to take them down on mass, is a threat i will not ignore. 

For nintendo to have still not learned, after all this time, to what lengths the importance is of letting people customize their experience is, and to instead see it as business to take down their enemys, is unacceptable. It never even got to a judge, instead of asking the courts for a decision they pressured people they viewed as enemys out of existance, and destroyed everything in their path, going complete scorched earth. 

I am now firmly anti-nintendo, and support actions of any extreme for game and mod preservation and accessability. Nintendo has been historically horrible for this, but i had believed that piracy groups would probably be enough to keep things from becoming lost media. I was completly wrong. Never had I seriously considered a major company would go to such extremes for complete eradication without making legal arguments before a judge or jury. I thought the eras of mafia-like were mostly of long past, and i was wrong. I feel terrible. 

To groups out there fighting for preservation and accessability, you are fighting for a good cause, one i truly believe is important for humanity. Please, do not give up. You are important for the world. While many people uneducated on the importance of it exist, your actions are critical for the future of humanity. Please, for everyone in the world, fight on. 

May 16 2023 News Update

This is post (2/3)  of the post restoration effort to the new system. It was made May 16 2023.

Hey there! It's been awhile and i felt like giving an update.

I touched on this in my pervious post, but I've been working since january on a current edge new game modding tool, that is unlike anything that currently exists. With it, anyone will be able to automatically generate a game editor, for any main part, of any game. From fire emblem to tales to final fantasy to super robot wars, it handles it all. An absolute ultimate game editor tool that drastically simplifies game modding. It also has great note taking ability for anyone to make notes as they mod games with it, the ability to share editors made with it, the ability to modify and improve editors anyone has made with it, and rips the common event system from RPG maker to automate any part of a modding process that involves running any program on any files, moving, copying, or deleting anything on your PC, as well as automatically launching the game to test everything. It has built in support to view multiple editors at once, powerful options to cross refence information, and more. It's an extreme all in one answer to game modding.

When does it release? Well, i'm hoping for an open demo soon, but i've taken some time off to relax, unwind, and work on a new touhou game launcher. It completely crushes all other touhou game launchers combined, with automatic mod loading, built-in relevant game info, automatic mod downloads and installs, and a series wide achievement tracker that also allows users to use custom text inputs for personalized achievements. A demo of this should also release soon.

Currently, i plan to release my new ultimate game editor, tenatively codenamed Crystal Editor near the start of june, giving priority support to the release of etrain odyssey origins. However, if that game turns out to be made in unity and is an open-code game, i will pick another game release to set as my major launch for crystal editor. Whatever game i pick will get priority support. This way i can be right in the thick of what other developers are experiencing when they use my tool, hear their feedback, and make adjustments before i do a major release of Crystal Editor.  

Anyway thats all for now, bye~ 

Tales of Vesperia Info Mod + Updates

This is post (1/3)  of the post restoration effort to the new system. It was made on around Augest 2022.

I have a new mod release to announce, but first, a small inspirational talk about this website and whats happening.

2 Months ago i started rebuilding my website entirely. I Made a full new backend framework to make expanding the site vastly easier, and to prepare the next direction the site is going into in the future. Not only have i made a number of unreleased game editors, but i decided to make an editor...editor. A tool used to create editors for games, and automatically display it in a user friendly hud. As it continues to build, i've also started preparing the website to start having more serious support for the review, rating, and discovering of challengeing gameplay mods. 

Theres a lot of mods out there, and as far as i can look across the entire internet, no website even attempting to be the central hub for challenge mod information. For the last few years i have been creating and curing a list privately of challengeing mods, and In the coming months i hope to expand that list to display an enormous amount of information across all kinds of games. Sort of like a wiki site dedicated exclusively to challenge mods. It's exciting stuff, and i can't wait to let people see what i've been working on. The truth however, is its many months off of releasing. But, i wouldn't want to lose all my fans (How many of you even exist?) to the website looking dead forever, so i decided to create AND RELEASE a new mod to help bridge the gap and keep website traffic up. 

Introducing the Tales of Vesperia Info Mod

This mod touches every single arte description, and cooking recipe description to tell you exactly what they do. Find out exact information on damage, extra controller inputs, arte usage bonuses,  any weather bonuses, enemy type bonuses, if the arte has altered versions you can learn with certain skills, and just anything and everything you want to know! 

Enjoy all kinds of information that should have been displayed ingame to begin with if the developers didn't hate you want demand you google every little thing. Hopefully this mod will make vesperia a little more bearable. To download, go to the mods download page from the mods list at the top of the page. Also with the website rework, the download pages for every single mod got touched up, and were using a new standardized format for mod download pages.

Hopefully in the next two weeks i'll spruce up the home page as well to be more exciting to look at. For now, enjoy vesperia! 

Temporary Site Changeover

over the next few hours or days, the site is undergoing maintence into a new look. Things may be temporarily broken during this time. Will be up soon!

MASSIVE UPDATE?! News on EVERYTHING, plus new project announcements?!

It's been 7 months since my last post! Wowzers. A lot has happened to me, and at the turn of the year i am hopefully nothing gets in the way, moving to Toronto Canada! It's a big moment for me, and has taken up a lot of my time. Still, it's high time i did something for my projects, so lets actually do something!

First up, this is just 3 of a whole slew of new promotional images on the hearts DS page. I didn't actually change anything in the game (yet), it just needed more then literally just 1 crappy image to sell itself to prospective players. In addition, i'm going to be going around and giving each project a bit more polish and love. Nothing major, just some busy work on them all to improve their current states. Up next, i will be hopefully working on redoing all arte descriptions in hearts DS. It's current state has some descriptions still in JP, but more then that, the way i inform people of link arts is extremely inconsistent. This is because of text space issues, but with a new tool, that will be a thing of the past, and we will have much better clarity on link artes. In addition, i'll also maybe play through the game and give it some more quality assurance it needs.

English plot? Hello Patch version 0.2.8!

Up next is Tales of Reve Unitia! Unitia has gotten some love, and is now updates from V0.2 to V0.2.8 with some artes being WAY less english (many are still bad), but also with the intro of the story now in 100% English! You can now play the intro chapters in english, story and all. I'll probably circle around to this game again sometime and do more arte updates eventually. I also got links from some nice people to translated social links someone did, and i'll have to try and see if i can get permission to use them to save time.

Keroro has been updated to V0.5.5, and it's a huge upgrade! To start with, almost every tutorial name and description is in english, ALL artes were redone, with fully english names and descriptions. Keroro (Green Frog)'s weapons are in some lazy english i quickly pushed out, and the game now has the first area plot in english! Just like reve unitia, i did a basic into pass for english plot. If anyone out there wants to help show support, or get involved, hit me up! In addition to everything else, i also created a randomizer! It's pretty simple, but i used keroro as a test case in order to prepare for a new project i'm excited to announce. You can set some limitations to make the game harder or easier as well. I actually tried to use Hearts DS as my test case, but it's seemed harder, and keroro was just so easy in how its enemy data was stored.

A tales randomizer? Hmmmmm

As for the new project, there is THREE of them! First, there is a unspecified upcoming Tales randomizer in the works! It is for a major console game, and is going to be exciting i hope for some tales fans out there! What i can say is it's NOT Tales of Arise, but i will have to take some time and both play, and crack that games insides open and see how mod-friendly it is. The second project, is another clarity mod, this time for a tales game already in english! I won't spoil what game it is yet, but what i will say is i want to do the same thing for Tales of Xillia. Unfortunately, Xillia seems to be extremely unusual in how it stores information, and if any hackers, or tales fans want to contact me on my discord, or directly to help, my discord id is Dawnbomb#3408

Finally, the third project i AM ready to announce, is a difficulty mod for Fire Emblem Fates! This mod is getting a tiny financial sponsorship, and at this point i should really open my own patron to receive proper support for my projects. Anyway, upcoming is Fire Emblem Fates Lunatic+. Using my knowledge from the keroro randomizer and other things, this difficulty mod will feature enemies that randomize them self every time you enter a chapter. This will prevent players from collaborating on tactics, and only able to provide each other with strategic character builds, but now answers to specific situations. To make it more dastardly, it's being done entirely using in-game code, giving me full control. Unlike awakenings Luna+ mode, a number of changes have been made for a different experience, both difficulty wise, and thematically. First of all, the skill pool chosen is different, geared more towards FE fates and it's puzzle-like stages it presents. Further, changes have been made to game balance specifically for this difficulty mode, characters have had their growths and bases changed, and enemy classes as a whole have been touched. On top of this, The entirety of birthright has has every chapter massively reworked, to increase it's difficulty to be much closer to that of the other routes. It will still be the easiest of the three, but no longer by a landslide. How Lunatic+ itself is implemented has also been changed. By having code access, the mode now applies across all difficulty levels, so if you want to play on 'Hard' Luna+, or 'Normal' Luna+, now you can. This will hopefully support more silly builds and setups, and maybe some crazy youtube videos creators make.

I could have stopped there, but we are going further. In creation of this mod, i have consulted with content creators who have done repeat playthroughs of Awakening Luna+ on youtube, twitch, ect, and reviewed vods from older players who tried streaming back to back Awakening Luna+ Ironman run attempts. Changes have been made to fates to account both for different playstyles, and for aspects generally agreed as undesirable. For example, the shiny tiles giving RNG gear is 'unfair', and top players often destroy this gear. For Fates Luna+. The shops have been changed to include such gear if your willing to pay for it, so its no longer entirely random. For 'serious' players, grinding a dancer is boring, and instead they join at a higher level. In addition, forging weapons has been nurfed, to put a greater emphasis on weapon differences, then on how many times you bought a iron lance. NPCs in maps get buffs, to make working with them easier in the random and ever changing Luna+ landscape. For players unfamiliar with the AI Nuances of Fates, or players who got used to Three Houses Enemy AI preview feature, we also have AI Insights! Replacing enemy personal skills, Simply Tap, Click, or Example where a enemies personal skill would be, and get info on their AI. Now even new players can know what enemies are sleepers who won't move until you enter their attack range, if a enemy waits until you trigger a plot event, and more. Hopefully, this feature makes fire emblem much more approachable for people who don't want to look up on google if a enemy moves, or what turn some events happen on. There are other changes as well, and i won't go into more paragraphs then needed listing every change, but to further add to insanity, I have already added fully functioning support for Luna+ to have what i call a greater randomizer. This option is toggled by a skill you can equip or take off at any time, and with it, the further into the game you are, the more your enemies will become unpredictable. Unusual gear, class changes, random reinforcements, the whole randomizer experience. This is for players that want to take the crazy to the next level.

This game is seriously amazing

To end my huge post, lately i've also been playing Naraka Bladepoint. It's a new Battle Royale game for fighting game fans. The inputs are simple like smash brothers or the tales series, and it's controller friendly. Currently, i'm one of the top 100 Temulch players in Canada. It's a pretty awesome game, i recommend it.

And thats about it for this post. If you want to talk to me, hang out and meet other people, or contribute to any ongoing projects, please, join the Crystal Mods Discord! Please join the discord!

Oh, and many more webpages on this site now support posting comments (oops!) No longer will your voice be left unheard. I didn't meant to FORCE people into the discord, it was an accident, i didn't know i needed to enable comments on every individual webpage i create >_>

Rebirth PSP English Patch v0.5 Update.

The patch has hit it's final stage now. Not only is nearly every relevant menu almost completely done, i even did some tutorials!
The game can defiantly now be reasonably played from start to finish in the patches current state. Even the strategy menu is completely done!
All thats really left is for me to play through the game myself and see if there is anything i want to touchup.
But yeah, download the patch, join our discord, and give some feedback!

Total Done
Items - 90%, Food - 99%, Cooking - 40%
Equipment names - 5%, Gear Abilities - 35%, Accessories & Charms - 40%
Strategy Menu - 90% (All i plan to do) Tutorials - ??%
Artes cube - 95% (All i plan to do) Artes themself:
Veigue - 100%, Mao - 100%, Eugene - 100%
Annie - 100%, Tytree - 75%, Hilda - 100%

Rebirth PSP English v0.2

The page for Rebirth PSP has been updated to v0.2 as many more artes and items are now english, as well as cooking ingredients.

I have also found the locations for weapons, armor, and special equips altho they are not english yet. However i have not found accessories, cooking, or gear effects yet. I still didn't touch titles, maybe next time. Somehow the options menu eludes me as well, even tho i found it in Reve unitia and etrian mystery dungeon 2, hmmm...

Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 Eng Patch v0.1 release + Tales of Rebirth (PSP) Eng Patch v0.1 duel release!

It seems i can't make a post without announcing yet another new game. Today i release both my VERY early versions of both etrian 2 and rebirth PSP english patches. For both games i need a save file much later in the game so i can start doing gear, later abilities, ect. If anyone has any interests in joining any of my efforts, i again encourage anyone to join my discord at

I actually also made the early version of a rebirth PS2 english patch as well, but the PSP version has more content, and an additional difficulty mode. Altho i didn't touch titles yet i did find where they are. I expect the rebirth PSP project to go rather smooth once i find a lategame save on the internet.

For etrian, it has some *serious* text space issues. A *lot* of ability names are going to be disgustingly shorthand. Oh well. I might look into a new way to deal with that later.

And finally Tales of reve unitia news (no i didn't forget) It seems i have someone looking into it's weird pointers. I might be able to fix the rather awfully short space i get for arte names, and update arte names to not be nearly as horrible.

Thats all for this time. What game will i announce next post? It's anyone's guess at this point.

Tales of Reve Unitia v0.2 Update + Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 Announced

The download page/link for Reve Unitia have been updated to v0.2, this update includes what should be every are now as best in english as the extremely small character limits allow. It turns out for some reason i can't adjust the pointers for Reve Unitia's text, so for now all the arte names are aggressively shortened / abbreviated.

On the other hand, I'm announcing Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2. I won't finish it, but no one else is working on it so why not. This one has more text space then reve unitia, and altho i couldn't test changing pointers as i was gaming with a friend most of today, i got all the classes a basic english name and swapped like 40 abilities names to English. Example / promotional images for this will come at a later date once i test pointers and do more work on it, but if you want the early tech demo such as it is, there is now a page to download what im naming patch v0.0.5 so try it if your super eager. Thats all for tonight, Zzz. Who knows, maybe tomorrow i'll start work on yet another game at the same time, im only doing 3 at once now....

In other news, i tested pointer changed for hearts DS now that i learned how to do that, and it worked just fine! I will need to take a day and update the text in my Hearts DS patch to have much more space, and thus much more accurate, well, everything without having to try and shorten text everywhere. I imagine the display for link artes in arte descriptions will benefit from this the most, but it may see use elsewhere as well. It also opens up the possibility to inject the english script made years ago and turn it into a actually really serious english patch, cool stuff.

Fire Emblem 3 Houses & Tales of Reve Unitia

I have started a Reve Unitia english patch, a preliminary patch as a 24 hour rush has been uploaded to the site as V0.1.5, go check it out!
I have also uploaded my Fire Emblem 3 houses clarity mod, and my Yuzu Custom build for 3 houses i put together. For the best experience anywhere on the internet, go check that out! Thats all for today.

2021, Tales of Hearts, Tales of Keroro, and my progress.

I know last post i said i would use the site but i didn't, now i'm *actually* using it....maybe. The pages for Tales of hearts DS and tales of Keroro DS now have download links altho they are ugly, i'll update them over the next while. But big news, i AGAIN picked back up Hearts and keroro and made more progress! The download links are updated to Hearts v0.8.25 and keroro is v0.4.6 Each adding big updates to both games in terms of english readability. I need to do actual playthroughs of both games and a ton of QA changes but wooo!

In other news, there is now also a tales of Destiny DC English patch in the works (Yes really), AND i have been helping out (a little) with Persona 4 golden nightmare mode difficulty mod for PC. Ontop of this, i also now release my Fire Emblem 3 Houses PC build of Yuzu, customized to work perfectly for 3 houses. Go check it out!

Tales of Hearts English Patch & Tales of Keroro English Patch Progress, and site news. (Big Update!)

I know almost noone uses this site now as my patches are demo and not officially out, but i wanted to seriously start actually using my site, update my links to actually link to patches, and maybe add a few things i've been working on. Mainly, Big updates for my Tales of Hearts English Patch and Tales of Keroro English Patch!

Anyway, onto the main topic, i have redone my Tales of Hearts and my Tales of Keroro patches. First, ToH has a new font, and i have redone the text of all artes. cleaned up the strategy menu, and updated the Monster Book to include english enemy names (will also show up in battle!) so thing will look much nicer. I have also cleaned up the grade shop, and as i start a playthrough for the final patch release, i've been updating the text of materials to say where one can actually get them. It is currently at V0.8 (a version number up from my demo) and im working quickly towards V0.9. When i release the full thing it will also come with a guide for 100% so you can get all the sidequests.

Onto Tales of Keroro, this is a major update from my V0.3 demo. Now, the Monster Book HUD, Summons HUD, save / load graphics, and options menu, along with descriptions of cooking, and tactics menu graphics are all in english, and there is many more english Artes, items, and not titles as well, and so forth, but thats not all! The main displayed name for Items, Artes, Summons, Enemy names, Tactics, Food, Character passives, Gear skills, Titles, and more is all english. Im bringing the patch number from 0.3 to 0.6 for this massive update, and after a playthrough of keroro adding english location names, and more, it will be V0.7.

Yet somehow, that is still not all, I will also be doing a Keroro re-balance patch. The game was made for a younger audience, and even on hard, it's very childishly difficult. Additionally, its mania and unknown modes besides requiring a NG+ file, also are to strong for a fresh start (they instant kill you even faster then vesperia unknown) unless you carry over levels, then the entire mode is a joke. I will be re balancing Keroro to be very challenging on hard mode, and ignore mania and unknown as they weren't balanced to begin with. If you find the re-balance way to hard, there are two lower difficulties you can select to make things easier. Oh, and the battle HUD Bugs are all fixed now.

Thats all for now, look forward to the patch!

Oh, and i plan on actually using this site after a year and a half of owning the domain and having it be idle.

Making a second post to understand blogging!

paulin is playing tales of the world 3 while i make this wo-hoo.

also i want pizza


Site blogging test

here im trying to learn to blog


im typing shit

and im prolly delete this later

Hello world!

I setup this website on this day! The start of my journey to get serious!