Crystal Mods
Discord & Hiding Offline
Why being permanently offline is a red flag

This writeup is for people who set their discord status to permanently offline. To anyone whos here otherwise, sometimes you are with a friend and want to hide offline temporarily, or maybe you forget your hidden because it's so rare to do so. This isn't for people with that common sense. This is for the "Whats wrong with being offline" people.

Noone wants to talk if your hidden offline

The short version, is no one reasonably wants to be your friend. Don't be under some delusion of "well my friends don't have a problem with it". For one reason or another, their an exception, NOT a normal situation. Maybe they feel desperate, a longtime friend not yet to letgo will will put up with the self destructive behavior then go through the loss of someone they cared for, or maybe, in some aspect, what you offer is unique. No one else their aware of gets this type of music like you, or your carrying them through gold in league of legends.

Your friends DO have a problem with it. Your new contacts DO have a problem with it. You are passed over, ghosted, and chosen not to be messages, very much on purpose, explicitly because you hide offline. You create problems with every single relationship you could ever make. Noone will ever know if your available to hangout. You give yourself all the power if a relationship, you ask others to be available to you, but hide yourself. Noone reasonable wants to put up with your bullshit. They might humor you, to be polite, but secretly their trying to let things die and unfriend you because of how obviously your unable to hold even a basic friendship. It is your fault. It's not meaningless, it does matter, and your the reason people don't want to be your friend.

People hide from personal drama

The reason reason people hide is because of drama in their life. It can be in their friends, who are mad at them. Their family, also mad at them. Their coworkers, also made at them. Infact, pretty much every reason people hide offline can be summed up with "This person, they did X, or did not do Y, and now their in hiding from people". The red flags here are very severe. The exact situation can be one of many, but the outcome is always the same. You're unable to properly manage yourself properly with respect to other people. Maybe you do bad things, maybe you overpromise and hide, or maybe your behind on work and trying to avoid being fired. Regardless of why, the reason is always one that means your not a good use of people time. Forging a relationship with you, as you are right now, won't turn out well. People are better off blocking you and moving on.

Now then, lets hitup some common responses.

Your just projecting OR Being offline or not doesn't matter

It's not projecting, your hiding for a reason, and now your trying to cover up from being called out. If it really was nothing, or if it really "doesn't matter" if your offline, you wouldn't be offline to begin with. You would have just set yourself to online as people asked of you. You wouldn't have taken such extra steps, from the default settings, to go into hiding.

Literally everyone does it

"Everyone" does not do it. Go into literally any server, the actual everyone speaking, will all be set to online.

You could ask if i'm available OR I'll respond when available

You've lied about this so much you've actually deluded yourself into thinking this is true. Don't pretend they can "just ask". Every reasonable person knows other people at times are busy, offline, at work, away, not at home right now, or something else. You could have fallen asleep after work unexpectedly or not. You could even be playing a game like dark souls, in a boss fight, and not hear the discord ping. The truth is, you were available, but didn't know anyone was waiting on you. The other person, may have tried messaging you again or pinging your attention, but because your in hiding they don't. They start something else, you finally notice and reply, but their already done with you. You took to long, you already took things to far.

More importantly, hiding offline opens up a much easier way to be abusive in your relationships, one that people defiantly view you are doing. Even if people do message you, you don't always reply. You ghost people and weaponize your offline status to pretend you were "not available" when you were, and chose to ghost instead. Lets be real, your already hiding offline because or drama involving you. Drama people don't want to fucking deal with. The idea that your not gonna ghost people, that your gonna be some great person, when your already in fucking hiding, is so stupid is laughable. Your not fooling anyone with that shit. We don't trust you, period.

Your just one of those terminally online people

The automatically changing discord statuses is far more useful to communications then you realize. Important communications. You are not so permanently awake, online, able to respond at any moment, that it solves this. You could be almost home, groceries in hand, and someone could guess from the phone icon. Or home, but putting them away, able to be guessed from the away status.

We could be in a call, you mute the mic and go to the bathroom, forgetting to unmute when back. The only way the other person can figure out enough to communicate this to you, is by seeing your status change to available because of your mouse and keyboard inputs. If you hide offline, you hurt relationships in lots of big and small ways, this is one direct example.

Don't hide offline. Don't make fucking excuses. People don't want to deal with your shit. Set yourself to online, let automatic status switches handle things for you. Don't be a red flag. If you are, expect to be ghosted, blocked, and avoided. Because, really, you deserve it. You annoying fuck. Don't waste other peoples time.

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