Crystal Mods
Tales of Vesperia
Info Mod
This is version 1 of my info mod for vesperia. It adds all kinds of wiki info into in-game description boxes so you don't need to stop playing and google information as often while playing.

What the mod covers so far:
- Artes display the damage multiplier they use. (By default, this assumes Atk for sword icon artes and Mag for staff icon artes)
- If the arte uses mixed damage, it will say what % of your Atk and Mag it uses.
- Sometimes those numbers combined is more then 100%, and then applies the damage multiplier afterward.
- This is because the damage formula is your atk minus enemy def (or mag - res) so artes that use both are lowered by both enemy Def and Res.
- If the arte gets a damage bonus in weather, it says so.
- Usage bonuses are displayed, for artes with more then one they are all displayed.
- The term [1 Alt] is used to let you know the arte has an altered form you can learn later in the game with the correct skills.
- The mod uses a small dictionary of terms. Pickup for example means the enemy is forced to stand from being knocked down.
- Some description boxes have scrunched text. The game dynamically resizes font, probably to make translations easier.
- Some description boxes look like i should have obviously included more text or not used short form english. There is actually a different amount of text space in the games code for every single description. Some have lots of space, others almost none at all. I did the best i could.

This mod also covers the cooking menu!
- As with artes, i used custom terms to refer to some things to cut down on text.
- "Chef" means a new recipe is eventually unlocked if this character keeps cooking this recipe. (So you don't need to have a cooking FAQ open)
- "Likes" means this character gets a mini bonus from this food.
- "Loves" means the character gets a small bonus from this food.
- "Hates" means the character gets a penalty for eating this.
- The deception of agility food is not a mistake. Its actually pretty broken.

NOTE: As i made the mod, i discovered a bug in the game. Despite me using the "arte symbol" (etc) and not specifically any button, if you change the controls it will not update appropriately. After checking in places where these symbols appear in description menus in the base game, the bug exists there as well. This means it is not my fault, and is a bug with the game. Do not swap your attack and arte button in the settings menu, or some descriptions will be confusing. There is nothing i can do about this, blame team symphonia.

Pictures :D (If any)

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