Crystal Mods

I know almost noone uses this site now as my patches are demo and not officially out, but i wanted to seriously start actually using my site, update my links to actually link to patches, and maybe add a few things i've been working on. Mainly, Big updates for my Tales of Hearts English Patch and Tales of Keroro English Patch!

Anyway, onto the main topic, i have redone my Tales of Hearts and my Tales of Keroro patches. First, ToH has a new font, and i have redone the text of all artes. cleaned up the strategy menu, and updated the Monster Book to include english enemy names (will also show up in battle!) so thing will look much nicer. I have also cleaned up the grade shop, and as i start a playthrough for the final patch release, i've been updating the text of materials to say where one can actually get them. It is currently at V0.8 (a version number up from my demo) and im working quickly towards V0.9. When i release the full thing it will also come with a guide for 100% so you can get all the sidequests.

Onto Tales of Keroro, this is a major update from my V0.3 demo. Now, the Monster Book HUD, Summons HUD, save / load graphics, and options menu, along with descriptions of cooking, and tactics menu graphics are all in english, and there is many more english Artes, items, and not titles as well, and so forth, but thats not all! The main displayed name for Items, Artes, Summons, Enemy names, Tactics, Food, Character passives, Gear skills, Titles, and more is all english. Im bringing the patch number from 0.3 to 0.6 for this massive update, and after a playthrough of keroro adding english location names, and more, it will be V0.7.

Yet somehow, that is still not all, I will also be doing a Keroro re-balance patch. The game was made for a younger audience, and even on hard, it's very childishly difficult. Additionally, its mania and unknown modes besides requiring a NG+ file, also are to strong for a fresh start (they instant kill you even faster then vesperia unknown) unless you carry over levels, then the entire mode is a joke. I will be re balancing Keroro to be very challenging on hard mode, and ignore mania and unknown as they weren't balanced to begin with. If you find the re-balance way to hard, there are two lower difficulties you can select to make things easier. Oh, and the battle HUD Bugs are all fixed now.

Thats all for now, look forward to the patch!

Oh, and i plan on actually using this site after a year and a half of owning the domain and having it be idle.