Crystal Mods

This is post (1/3)  of the post restoration effort to the new system. It was made on around Augest 2022.

I have a new mod release to announce, but first, a small inspirational talk about this website and whats happening.

2 Months ago i started rebuilding my website entirely. I Made a full new backend framework to make expanding the site vastly easier, and to prepare the next direction the site is going into in the future. Not only have i made a number of unreleased game editors, but i decided to make an editor...editor. A tool used to create editors for games, and automatically display it in a user friendly hud. As it continues to build, i've also started preparing the website to start having more serious support for the review, rating, and discovering of challengeing gameplay mods. 

Theres a lot of mods out there, and as far as i can look across the entire internet, no website even attempting to be the central hub for challenge mod information. For the last few years i have been creating and curing a list privately of challengeing mods, and In the coming months i hope to expand that list to display an enormous amount of information across all kinds of games. Sort of like a wiki site dedicated exclusively to challenge mods. It's exciting stuff, and i can't wait to let people see what i've been working on. The truth however, is its many months off of releasing. But, i wouldn't want to lose all my fans (How many of you even exist?) to the website looking dead forever, so i decided to create AND RELEASE a new mod to help bridge the gap and keep website traffic up. 

Introducing the Tales of Vesperia Info Mod

This mod touches every single arte description, and cooking recipe description to tell you exactly what they do. Find out exact information on damage, extra controller inputs, arte usage bonuses,  any weather bonuses, enemy type bonuses, if the arte has altered versions you can learn with certain skills, and just anything and everything you want to know! 

Enjoy all kinds of information that should have been displayed ingame to begin with if the developers didn't hate you want demand you google every little thing. Hopefully this mod will make vesperia a little more bearable. To download, go to the mods download page from the mods list at the top of the page. Also with the website rework, the download pages for every single mod got touched up, and were using a new standardized format for mod download pages.

Hopefully in the next two weeks i'll spruce up the home page as well to be more exciting to look at. For now, enjoy vesperia! 

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