Crystal Mods

Time for a mid-june update. My birthday happened, and soon i'm gonna go spend a entire week gaming with someone, will be fun. Over the last week i was obsessed again with fire emblem, and put together a valentia modpack. It's a pretty damn good modpack, and comes with a 0% growths option as well.

I'm also doing my first public release / demo 2 of the touhou launcher i've been working on, now under the utilities menu. Theres a few other touhou launcher all called touhou launcher, so i've named this one Touhou: Western Launcher of Eastern Origins. I think it's a very touhou~esc name, that also is self describing in an ironic way, kind of like one of gensokyos incidents!

I think this is the very best touhou launcher period. I tried all the others, this crushes them. I made most of it a few months ago, but i'm finally willing to give a public demo. It has great built-in shortcuts, and options to automatically apply practice tool (something every touhou player should be using). Every other launcher is extremely basic. This launcher provides an overview of info for the games. It also lets you pick what resolution to launch the game in, and even go borderless fullscreen. Theres a shortcut to volume mixer so launching a new game won't blow your ears out (even just seeing the button acts as a useful reminder).

But above all, it has mod support! No other touhou launcher has this, infact it's even better then the one and only official community modding tool! Using the offical tool, your forced to apply every mod, to every game. And because some mods actually apply to more then 1 game, and even do DIFFRENT things per game, this is a big issue. For example, in one game a retexture mod might make it look a lot better, but in another makes it look way worse. Using the community tool, it's all or nothing, you can't pick what mods for what game. Whats worse, this also means the available mods list per game is just every mod in existence, even if it doesn't apply to your game, with no sorting available at all. It's like if someone said every mod on nexus mods could apply to every game, so games don't need their own pages. It's completely ridiculous.

To fix this, i'm attempting to make a curated list of mods that actually apply to each game, and arent garbage tier mods. Garbage tier just being mods that are not, not mods *intending* to be "bad" as the point. For example, the touhou 8 Garbage remilia mod was permitted as a selectable mod, as altho it makes you very weak, thats the entire point. Some mods, like that mod, or the touhou 13 kaizo mod, just want the game to be harder, and thats fine. Joke mods are also fine. An example of a rejected mod, might be one that attempted to make a game be remake in MS paint, but quit halfway through stage 1. Or the story change mods that only bother with the first 3 stages of dialogue. As you can see in the above image, the later game team swap mods were allowed, because they look cool. Altho the dialogue is not correct, it at least has some value.

That all said, the curated mod list isn't complete. Theres at least like 50 more mods to add across the various games, maybe more. I need to spend more time playing touhou and creating a modlist, as well as testing each mod.

One unique aspect to me, that beats even the official modding tool, is mod load order. In the offical tool, they can only load in alphabetical order, this makes it so some mods are incompatible. Because i manually assign each mod i permit a loadorder number, i can test if they work when loaded the other way, and most do. For example, a Mod to change the entire cast green, then one person orange would fail if orange was loaded first, but succeed if it was loaded last. There are lots of laughably simple load-order errors with the official community modding tool they refuse to fix. I hope my tool to be vastly better then theirs. I'm excited to add more mod support, altho i will probably release updates in one big update rather then loads of small additions. At the very least, this is already better then every touhou launcher to date, and even the offical modding tool. It only loses in number of exact mods it currently supports, but i will fix that soon enough.

I hope you all enjoy!

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